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December 2024 Newsletter
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Lots of good times and good info were
enjoyed by all at the Fall Conference!
Tex Thompson regales us with the Seven Deadly First-Page Sins!
So many books!
Bonnie Tesh, showing her wares.
Taking a break between speakers.
Outgoing president Ronda receiving an award of appreciation from the board of directors.
Left to right, your 2025 Officers.
Duke Pennell, Treasurer
Mary-Lane Kamberg, Vice-President
Larry Wood, President
Margarite Stever, Secretary
Stephen Brayton shows his latest mystery novel.
Diana Collard with a passel of her work.
David Corbly told us how to improve our websites.
Lia Wu with Ozark Hollow Press.
Rochelle Wisoff-Fields showing her latest work.
Annie Lisenby Smith with her 100 Megawatt smile!
Margarite Stever with her books.
JC Crumpton at his author table.
Glamour, the OWL mascot.
Tex being presented with a token of OWL's appreciation. She liked it!
OWL conference attendees are happy to be there!
Celebrating 40 years of serving writers.
For all writers, no matter where you live!
Got Kudos?
Your OWL President,
Larry Wood!