OWL Membersip: It's only $30/year & includes both live conferences. Plus, members only are permitted to sell your books at our meetings for FREE - NO BOOTH FEE.
Conference Registration: No registration. Just come.
Conference Fee: All conferences are FREE to OWL Members.
Nonmembers may attend for $20 or just JOIN OWL for $30.
Book Tables: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED – If you are a dues-paying OWL member, and you would like a
book table, please contact Duke Pennell: webmaster@OzarksWritersLeague.com. You may have half a 3x6 table
if you have several books or a space at a round table if you have 1. You may set up your table on Saturday ONLY.
OWL Hashtag: Our # for this conference to use on social is #Fall23OWL. Please use this
on your social media posts. The tag is not case-sensitive.
Bring-a-Friend to OWL SPECIAL: Members may bring a non-member guest for only $10.
Share Your PHOTOS! We need YOU!
Please share your photos from the conference, along with names of those shown, to:
Want to take your book to the screen? Sign Up for a 10-min strategy session with Alan Roth on Saturday.
Email DianaWest22@Hotmail.com and she will assign you a specific time.
We had fascinating speakers!
Fresh from New York!
Adapting Your Book as a Screenplay and Marketing it to Producers with Alan Roth
This presentation will include a discussion on how an author should approach screenplay adaptations of
their work. There is much to consider, including determining if the book has commercial potential for the screen.
Part of the presentation will be a "how to" for writing a screenplay, followed by a detailed step-by-step
plan for how to market it to the industry.
Find him online at www.act-two-media.com
The Marketing Game with Synova Cantell
Award-winning author and entrepreneur Synova struggled with marketing (like the rest of us) UNTIL she turned it
into a game. Then it became a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more FUN! She'll teach us how to do it during her presentation.
Find her online at SynovaInk.com
Point of View: Your Powerful Tool to Shape Your Fiction OR Nonfiction Story with Steve Weigenstein
When we talk about point of view in fiction writing, we often think of just "first person" or "third person."
But there are a lot more variations of point of view, and your selection and use of point of view can go a
long way toward making your writing effective. And not just in fiction, either! Point of view can have a
powerful effect in nonfiction writing. In this talk, Steve will illustrate the power of well-chosen point of
view with numerous examples from classic writing.
Find him online at SteveWiegenstein.com
OWL membership includes every conference
offered in a year, and more!
No pre-registration.
Yearly dues are $30.
Non-member conference fee: $20.00 at the door.
Join at the door or
Join Now!
Any questions? Contact us at www.facebook.com/OzarksWritersLeague
See you there!