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2024 Youth Writing Contest Winners
2025 Spring Conference
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2024 Photography Contest Winners

The 2024 OWL Spring Conference and Photography Contest

A Writer's Treasure Trove of Tools and Tricks of the Trade

Friday-Saturday, April 12-13, 2024

at the Best Western Branson Inn and Conference Center!
Click HERE for information and reservations.

Click here for full schedule.

Click here for printable schedule.

Click here for session details.

Click here for speaker bios.

Friday 7:00 PM – ?

Fellowship and fun with other writers!

Saturday Morning Session: 9:00-11:30

Need a sales or display table?

email Treasurer@OzarksWritersLeague.com and we'll reserve one for you!



"How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a YES!"

Would you like to get fewer rejections and more publications or contest wins? Our panel of experts will give you practical, hard-hitting gold doubloons of wisdom to help you stop making the mistakes that get you rejections.

Missouri Poet Laureate
David L Harrison:

"Golden Nuggets for Writers: Success Secrets Gleaned from Poetry, KidLit, and Beyond"

(Read bio)


Afternoon session: Marketing Makeover!

Bring your laptops!


Marketing Makeover Part 1:

"A Hands-On Workshop to Create Online Marketing Tools Using Free Resources"

Every author needs to promote yourself, whether you're writing articles, stories, novels or nonfiction books. During this interactive workshop, Annie Lisenby will teach you how to use various free resources to create the marketing content you need. (Read bio)

Marketing Makeover Part 2:

"Let's DO IT!"

In the second part of the afternoon, Annie Lisenby and Ronda Del Boccio will help you put it into action. All attendees will have the chance to create content in real time, and Ronda will teach how to pump each other up to build your own audience and extend your social reach. This will be a working session, so get ready to enjoy the treasures that building your brand and increasing your reach bring! (Read bio)


Best Western Branson Inn and Conference Center–Branson West


CHECK-IN: 3 PM – CHECK OUT: 11 AM and you may leave bags at the desk if needed

Guest Room Rate: $99/night plus applicable taxes and fees, honored for the surrounding dates

8514 State Highway 76, Branson West, Missouri Map

Virtual tour here: Best Western Branson Inn & Conference Center - Branson West


Amenities according to hotel website

Room Amenities include microwave, fridge, and hair dryer

Hotel amenities include free WiFi for all guests, heated indoor pool, and hot tub



You may use our special link

OR call 417-338-2141 and press 0 to talk to the front desk
(don't use the reservation 800 # because it goes to the national chain, not the hotel).


Saturday Meeting Schedule

HOTEL GUESTS: Remember to check out by 11 AM.


 8:30 AM – Registration, photography contest entries check-in

 9:00 – Welcome, announcements, and first door prize

 9:15How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a YES! with OWL panel

10:15 – BREAK and remember that checkout is by 11 AM.

10:30Golden Nuggets for Writers: Success Secrets Gleaned from Poetry, KidLit, and Beyond by Missouri Poet Laureate David L Harrison

11:30 – Lunch on your own. Restaurant is available on-site.

1:00 PM – Announcements and photography contest winners announced

1:15A Hands-On Workshop to Create Online Marketing Tools Using Free Resources: Marketing Makeover Workshop Part 1 by Annie Lisenby

2:15 – BREAK

2:30Let's DO It! Marketing Makeover Part 2 with Annie Lisenby and Ronda Del Boccio.

3:30 – Closing remarks and a fond farewell

Download printable schedule HERE.


Speaker Bios

     Keynote Speaker David L. Harrison

David L. Harrison serves as Poet Laureate for the State of Missouri as well as for Drury University. His more than 100 books for children and teachers have earned numerous awards, including Society of Midland Authors Award for Best Children's Nonfiction Book; Christopher Medal for fiction; Texas Bluebonnet Award Master Reading List; National Science Teachers Association list of Outstanding Science Trade Books; the Celebrate Literacy Award from Missouri Literacy Association; and the Pioneer in Education Award from Missouri School Board.
     Harrison's work appears in more than a dozen languages and has been anthologized more than 200 times. He often speaks at conferences, workshops, literature festivals, schools, and colleges. He holds a BA Degree from Drury, a MS Degree from Emory University, and two Doctor of Letters Honorary Degrees.

     Annie Lisenby

Annie Lisenby is a native of the Missouri Ozarks. She has an MFA degree in Theatre Performance and has worked as a professional actor and stunt performer. Annie shifted into writing in 2018 for the first time. A Three-Letter Name was Annie's debut YA novel that won Best Independent Novel by a Missouri Author through the 2022 Indie Author Project. She has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and spent three years as a regular contributor to a regional magazine. Currently, Annie is the Theatre Program Director at Crowder College in Neosho, Missouri. She has blended her loves of performing and writing in her newest book From Stage to Page, a guidebook for writers on how to use theatre techniques to raise their writing to a new level.

     Ronda Del Boccio

Rev. Dr. Ronda Del Boccio serves as president of both Ozarks Writers League and her local Lions Club. She is an international speaker and international #1 best-selling author who teaches intuitive, neurodivergent, and highly sensitive people worldwide to embrace their weird and trust their unique gifts.
     Although she is "legally blind," which she says means she's "illegally sighted," Ronda lives a full and active life. She travels, cooks, and tries new ventures. Nothing stops her! She has won awards for photography, singing, cooking, translational of a Medieval Spanish manuscript, and writing everything from memoir to poetry to fantasy to articles. She has appeared on various podcasts about the paranormal, psychic gifts, business and mindset. Connect with her all over the web and get a free training called "Change Your Story, Change Your Life" at Hype.co/@thestorylady.

We'll see you in Branson!